We estimate the size of the global middle class in China and 33 other countries and analyze China\'s expanding middle ......
While Egypt is on track to achieve its long term goal of reducing the poverty rate to 6 percent by 2022, and despite the......
We propose a model with non-homothetic preference and heterogeneous agents to analyze the e_ects of income distribution ......
The Collective Bargaining System and Our Income Distribution Pattern Adjustment --Based on the consi
As the market economic system to follow the allocation of production factors according to the principle of distribution,......
Accurate estimates poverty scale and extent in Xinjiang rural have an important role in formulating the pro-poor policie......
摘要: 从理论上阐述了收入分配不平等的衡量方法——洛伦兹曲线和吉尼系数,并运用该模型对我国改革开放以来,农民人均纯收入分配的......